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Why Your Website is Useless Without Basic SEO?

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” It is the most powerful and useful process at the current time to getting traffic from the “Organic” “free” “natural” or “editorial” search results on search engines. Most popular and major search engines are Google, Bing, and Yahoo. All are having primary search results, where the web pages, video, content, or local listing are shown and ranked based on the relevancy of users. Because, search engines gives top rank to that web pages which are more relevant for the user.

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Now Days Search Engines have become stricter when it comes to the SEO. Google is the number one search engine which is most likely used by the users and having various algorithm updates from it. These algorithms updates are Panda and Penguin which were named from cute animals like Panda and Penguin.

Everyone update himself with these algorithm updates and they have learned to adjust these updates in their work. Matt Cutts and his team every time change the algorithm because Google want to make it a habit to updates the algorithm. Since then, the things got a little bit challenging and hard. So, after optimizing your own author’s website, what should you do?

Here Are The Things That We Need To Do For Basic SEO

  1. Make your Site SEO-friendly.
  2. Choose your keywords wisely.
  3. Make your anchor text richer.
  4. Utilize every Webmaster Tool available.
  5. Balance the Quality and Quantity of your website content.
  6. Link more and link deep.
  7. Give your Images a name.
  • Make Your Site SEO-Friendly

We should always remember this thing our website will be SEO-friendly. If our website is SEO-friendly then Search Engines bots easily crawls our website and gives best rank in the search engine result page. Search Engine lets their bots crawl your website and webpage. If your website is not SEO-friendly then the crawler can’t easily crawls your website and can’t read the elements of your website. The result is also not accurate. So, no matter how your website look likes and even it’s looking cool. If your website is not SEO-friendly, everything is meaningless. This is why it might be a good idea to check out something like these Whitehat Search Engine Optimisation SEO Services Packages to help you see what is on offer to help you create SEO-friendly websites. There a lot of things to consider if you have your own website, however these benefits of having your own website outweigh all the work and effort you have to put in, to make your website successful.

To avoid this kind of situations, we should read about the best practice of building a website. You could even get someone else to help you avoid these types of situations, such as using someone like this Search Engine Optimization Tokyo. They can help you out if you feel like you are struggling by yourself. However, SEO can be made easy to understand our website by Google or Yahoo bots. Similarly, we can give the instructions to our web designer to follow the guidelines religiously. Through follow these guidelines or instructions, we can make our website SEO-friendly and get a better rank in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP).

  • Choose Your Keywords Wisely

It’s the most important and necessary step for our campaign. When we choose the keywords list which is not relevant to our site or content, then we can be penalized by Google because it’s a high possibility and when it happens, we suffer from the consequences in terms of ranking and search result status.


We should use the best and relevant keywords. So, if our keyword selection will be related to our website or content then Google rather than penalize our site or web page give us a good rank on Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

So, we should use Free Tools for Keyword Selection

Google Keyword Planner (GKP) – Planner
Master Suggest –

  • Make Your Anchor Text Richer

An anchor text is use for linking. It’s a combination of words or group of words that use for a link. It is a most important or powerful tool and plays a vital role in your website or web page. If you know about this, how to use it properly it’s gives us good and sufficient results. When we set links in our website content then think about the connection of the words and set the target URL of you link. Its works like as a voter for our website as provide good source of information from that keywords (Anchor text).

Good Example

Page title: SEO Training in Chandigarh: – SEO Training

  • Utilize Every Webmaster Tool Available

Google and Bing provide free Webmaster tools to us. These tools help you to directly interact with Search Engine’s view of our website or webpage. Through this we can easily see our ranking on Search Engine Results Page.


In Google webmaster tools, if you have set your website at once in this then the Google bots will crawl our website. If there is any problem in our website then it can be notify us about that. You would be able to solve the problem as soon as Google notifies you. It’s also help full for our website because, when we subscribe to the Google alerts then it sends us the notifications via emails. Therefore, if you have not subscribes your website in Google alert then you should be subscribes your site now and take its advantages.

  • Balance the Quality and Quantity of your Website Content

We should balance our website’s Quality and Quantity of contents. Either we have time or not, Search Engine really doesn’t care about that. All the time search engine care about Your Content, how it’s, how good it’s for the user, and quite interesting for the audience or not. If our content is more relevant and interesting for our audience then, it helps for good ranking and saves our website from being penalized. So, we should also remember about the quality and quantity of our website content.

Remember, genius Matt Cutts and his team always check and watching you.

  • Give your Images a Name

We insert images in our website but some time we do not use the alt text on our images. But it’s quite important and useful for our website. If you not use alt text then it’s time to do so now. If we don’t give the alt text to our images then the Google bots crawl our site can’t understand our images. So, we should give the alt text to the images which is a hint for the crawler what’s the image all about.

  • Link More and Link Deep

We should try to create good and more back links from authoritative sites. Every Search Engines (Google, Bing, yahoo etc.) give you credit for these quality back links. Especially Google consider your website more relevant rather than others and gives your website higher rank in Search Engine Results Page (SERP). So, rather than quantity of back links we should try to create a good and quality authoritative site link.

Deep link

In all of this, it’s damn sure that the search engines will keep on improving their search results by changing the SEO algorithms and are not waiting for you to catch up. But don’t worry if you use these seven basic SEO ideas on your website, you will be able to get a higher rank on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), reach the target audience, and achieve good results in time.

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