Web Designing Course in Ludhiana – Web Designing is a technique conceptualization, building and planning a collection of electronic files that dictate the text, color, layout, graphics, images, and other collective or advanced features that increase your site visitors. Web designing course in Ludhiana is the smart choice for those who want to make their career as a professional Web Designer or who love to create innovative and attractive websites.

The demand of Web designing increases day by day. Most of the IT and Multinational Companies needs a creative web designer. Web designing is one of the best platforms for job and career opportunities as companies, especially demand for the professional and creative web designers.

In the age of the internet, every company wants to be best in the market by attracting the customers from their websites because instead of traditional marketing now companies want online marketing. For attractive designs, everyone wants a creative designer.

As we know with the increasing in smartphones and internet usage, it is quite easy to communicate online with the customer. For Web Designing course, choosing a professional academy is the smart choice of yours. So, if you are searching for the best results and looking for the Web Designing institute, then contact once to Webliquids for the Web Designing Course in Ludhiana, which is well known for their services.

Web Designing Course In Ludhiana

Are you in the search of Web Designing academy in Ludhiana? Do you want to make your website attractive? Do you want to become the best businessman? Do you want to know the best design techniques? Are you interested in becoming the perfect designer? Do you want the successful career? Do you want more sales for your business? 

If the answer is yes for all questions mentioned above, then Webliquids provide the best Web Designing Course in Ludhiana with the best results and 100% job guarantee. Just Contact once, connect with us and make your own identity in this crowded world.


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Web Designing Course In Ludhiana - Content Brief




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Web Designing Course in Ludhiana - Content Detailed

    • Introduction to Designing Application
    • Application Tools & Layout Design
    • Understanding Grid System
    • Understanding Various Design Layout
    • Creating Layouts using Grid System
    • Understanding Color Palette
    • Working with Styles
    • Gif Animation
    • Slicing Layouts & Preparing for HTML Conversion.
  • Introduction to Web Technology & Web Editors
  • HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript – Introduction to the Core Concepts
  • Bootstrap / jQuery – Introduction to Frameworks
  • Whats New in HTML5?
  • HTML5 Doctype / HTML5 Document Structure
  • UTF-8 Character Encoding
  • HTML Character Entities
  • Head Tag and Elements inside the Head Tag
  • Meta Tags & What are they used for?
  • Creating a Website Project in HTML Editor
  • Understanding Basic Tags / Elements and Attributes
  • Working with Basic Tags and Font Formatting Tags
  • Understanding Block Level Tags, Inline Tags & Empty Tags
  • Introduction to CSS3 / Types of CSS and Significance
  • Heading Tags
  • Paragraph Tags & Multiple Columns
  • Adding Basic Styles using HTML Attributes and CSS Styles
  • Importing External Fonts
  • Inserting Images & Image Attributes
  • Working with Image Sprites
  • Working with Links & Link Attributes / Link States using Pseudo Classes
  • Understanding Blocks – Div Block
  • Styling Div Blocks
  • Understanding Box Model – Margins / Paddings / Borders / Border-Radius / Outlines
  • Positioning Div Blocks & HTML Elements
  • Adding Box Shadows / Text Shadows
  • Adding Background Colors / Gradients / Background Images
  • CSS Overflow Property
  • Understanding Document Outline in HTML5
  • HTML5 Semantic Tags
  • Semantic Elements for Document Outlining
  • Keypoints about Document Outlining
  • Media Queries Common Device Breakpoints
  • Meta Viewport Tag
  • Better Understanding the Grid System to Design Responsive Websites
  • Apply Media Queries Based on Viewport Sizes
  • Adjusting Layout Based on Orientation
  • Interface understanding
  • working in templates
  • components such as footers, galleries, slideshows etc
  • Create Your Own Components
  • Smart Drag & Drop
  • Online Library
  • Realtime Preview
  • Import Existing Websites
  • HTML Editing
  • Grid Tools
  • Google Webfonts
  • Themes and Icons
  • Smooth Animations
  • One-click Publishing
  • Flex Display Type
  • Order
  • Flex Direction
  • Flex Grow
  • Flex Wrap
  • Flex Shrink
  • Align Flex Content
  • Keyframes & Animation Property
  • Animation Timing Functions
  • Animation Delay
  • Multi Step Transitions
  • Animation Iteration Count
  • Animation Direction
  • Cross Browser Animation Support
  • 2D Transforms
  • 3D Transforms
  • Perspective
  • 3D Transform Functions
  • Filp Cards
  • Blackface Visibility
  • HTML5 Form Elements
  • HTML5 Form Attributes
  • HTML5 Form Validation Attributes
  • Patterns for Form Validation in HTML5
  • Embedding Google Maps
  • Audio / Video Elements
  • Audio & Video Attributes
  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Working with CDN Links & Advantages
  • Bootstrap Grid Systems & Terminologies
  • Glyphicons & Font Awesome
  • Bootstrap Classes
  • Bootstrap Image Classes
  • Bootstrap Forms & Modals
  • Bootstrap Scrollspy
  • Bootstrap Navigation
  • Bootstrap Carousel
  • Automatically insertion a table of contents (configure post types and position).
  • SEO-friendly: table of contents code is ready to use by Google for snippets on result page.
  • Insert by shortcode, Gutenberg block or widget.
  • Button on toolbar of the classic editor.
  • Elementor page builder
  • Setting the minimum number of headings to display table of contents.
  • Setting the depth of headings for table of contents.
  • Skip headings by level or text.
  • Hierarchical or linear view.
  • Numeration items: decimal or roman numbers in order or nested.
  • Customizable appearance: width, float, title font size and weight, items font size, colours.
  • Colour schemes (dark, light, white, transparent) and the ability to override colours.
  • Toggle Show/Hide (optionally)
  • Customizable labels.
  • Smooth scroll (optionally).
  • Pretty hash in URL (like example.com/faq/#how_do_this).
  • redirection of url’s
  • Highly compatible with WordPress themes and plugins.
  • JavaScript Introduction & Role as Client Scripting Language
  • Variables, Loops & Control Statements
  • Arrays / Array Sorting Methods
  • Creating Functions / Working with JavaScript Inbuilt Functions
  • Scope
  • Closures
  • Regular Expression
  • Form Validation
  • Events
  • DOM Methods
  • Manipulating HTML Elements using DOM
  • DOM Styling
  • Creating HTML Elements using DOM
  • Google Maps
  • Geolocation
  • Drag & Drop
  • jQuery Introduction
  • jQuery Effects
  • jQuery Animate Function
  • jQuery Chaining
  • jQuery Callback Functions
  • Add Elements
  • Insert Elements
  • Remove Elements
  • Append Elements
  • Add Class
  • Toggle Class
  • Events Types & Event Handlers
  • Window Events
  • Form Events
  • Mouse Events
  • Keyboard Events
  • Accordion
  • Date picker
  • Tabs
  • Slider
  • Progress bar
  • Autocomplete
  • Photoshop fundamentals
  • Photoshop installation
  • The Photoshop interface
  • Spectrum interface
  • Photoshop Welcome experience
  • Creating a new document
  • Tabbed document windows
  • Managing document windows
  • Synchronized scroll and zoom
  • Image document window details
  • Title bar proxy icons (Mac only)
  • Info panel status information
  • Rulers, Guides & Grid
  • New Guide Layout dialog
  • New Guides from Shapes
  • ‘Snap to’ behavior
  • Pixel Grid view
  • The Photoshop panels
  • Panel arrangements and docking
  • Panel positions remembered in workspaces
  • Customizing the menu options
  • Customizing the keyboard shortcuts
  • Task-based workspaces
  • Working with a dual display setup
  • Photoshop CC Tools panel
  • Toolbar presets
  • logo designs
  • banners designs
  • PSD to html
  • Gif animation creation
  • slicing of images
  • working with actions
  • creating new actions
  • 3d actions
  • knowledge of filters

Career Options after Web Designing Course in Ludhiana

  1. Front End Web Developer.
  2. Back-end Web Developer.
  3. Web Application Developer.
  4. UI Designer.
  5. Design and Layout Analyst.
  6. Senior Web Analyst.
  7. Web Marketing Analyst.
  8. UX Consultant.
  9. Freelancer Developer.

Who should attend Web Designing Training

  1. A student after 10+2 | Mtech, Btech CSE, MCA, BCA 
  2. Students who wish to learn Web Designing.
  3. IT Professionals.
  4.  Business Owners.
  5. Freelancers.


Success Stories

Creative Team Members

Amanda Lee
Web Designer

Mike Stuart

UI / UX Designer

Samanta Kols


Tommy Lee

Support Manager

Mila Yong

CEO Company

Bill Kocs

Web Designer

Our Smashing Students


Our Students are Working with


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